Tuesday, March 02, 2021

The Day I Met "God"

It was the summer of 1977, when I was 19 and reading eastern philosophy books like "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda, "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) and listening to the George Harrison album, Dark Horse. At home, with my parents gone for the weekend, as evening approached I took some LSD with a friend. Sitting in the back yard, near the calm waters of the canal behind my house in Long Island, we waited impatiently for the drug to take effect. Nothing seemed to be "happening". Was the stuff still good? On edge, I said something to my companion that really irked him. I can't remember what I had said but he was pissed. I was startled. I didn't understand why my words had gotten him so upset... so I put myself in his place - I mentally repeated what I had said to him as though I was saying it to myself. I immediately realized that if I had spoken the words to myself ...I would have gotten angry too! In just the same way he had. And then it happened. At the precise moment that I had "sync'd" with my friend's mind-space, I had realized that the reason that I had experienced the same emotion as he was because "I" was "him"! On the most basic and purest level "we" were literally the same "being". The illusion of separateness that we both had clung to all of our lives had, simutaneously, in an instant...vanished within our minds. I had come to realize that my heart was not only united with my friend but.... with all of humanity. Past and present. It didn't stop there. When I looked up into the sky I realized that I was also the moon. Looking around I understood that what I had been calling "Cliff" was the shared essence of everything. At the moment of my epifany, I experienced an invisible flower-like mechanism, like a multi-petaled "lotus blossom" unfold on top of my head- like a crown. The joy of my "self-realization" made me weep- from joy. Tears of joy were literally streaming down my face.Pouring. As though something that had been blocked for a thousand years was finally released. It was indescribable. My friend and I both experienced this simultaneously. Our countenance changed too. Our faces apeared wise. Lit up with the wisdom of the ages. Our eyes physically looked different. We had these all-knowing "enlightened" eyes.The eyes found on the radiant faces of holy men. We were just American teenagers. The photo of the Indian mystic, Paramahansa Yogananda, shown on the cover of my copy of the classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" appeared to me that evening as the photo of an ordinary Joe. The "holy" man was just another "guy" to me. It was as though someone took a picture of some random guy on a subway and slapped his photo on the cover of a book. I understood Buddha. I got Jesus. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" because... the other guy... is you! The truth that was revealed that evening was so simple. In fact it was "too" simple. It is elusive because it is so simple and obvious. Too obvious. Something too obvious becomes... hidden. That evening I couldn't understand why LSD was illegal. I couldn't understand why it wasn't mandatory. I understand why now. LSD is not for everybody. The truth can freak you out man. Many people don't have wonderful "mystical" experiences. Even those that do sometimes have trouble re-adjusting to the delusionary world of separateness. A world that likes to eat mystics for breakfast. I was lucky. As were thousands of "hippies" in the sixties. By the way, I now understand why "hippies" were called "hippies". They were "hip" or "clued" in to the experience of love and peace mentioned above. Update 2/18/2010:Any experience, regardless of how wonderful it may be is still an experience.Experiences come and go. The Experiencer, however IS permanent.


Anonymous said...

The closest words that describe our essence is "I am".

No, that is God's "title". Recall that the Serpent in the Garden lied to Eve telling her that if she ate the fruit, she would become as God. That has ever been Satan's lie, that God is not God, and that we all are or can become gods. There is one God, the God of Israel, and one Savior, God's Son, Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus Himself warned that in the Last Days many would come saying "I am" or "I am the Christ", and He said to not believe them. I ask you, is it possible that you are mistaken, perhaps even spiritually deceived?

Clifford Shack said...


Anonymous said...

It's not possible that you are mistaken in your views which contradict the views of Jesus and His Apostles. Therefore, Jesus and His Apostles were mistaken in these things.

The name, "I AM", which God took for Himself, and which the Jews acknowledged as reserved only for Him, for a member of the Godhead, you believe accurately describes any ONE of us? If so, then God's choice of that name wasn't very unique or identifying, at all.

However, I would like to ask you on what basis you believe that it is not even possible that you are mistaken in this, nor spiritually deceived. Is it because you think you are a nice guy? Or maybe because you've read a few eastern mystical works? What is the reason for your confidence in your beliefs? I know what mine is for mine, but the question before you now is yours for yours.

Douglas J. Bender (same as previous Douglas J. Bender)

Clifford Shack said...

Did Jesus say that he was unique. Did he claim to be special, better than the next guy? He a taught that we should love each other as we love ourselves. Why would he teach that? Could it be that he realized that we and those we perceive to be others are, in fact, in essence, the same?

If you don't believe the words "I am" do not apply to you then you are mistaken. If I was to ask you who you were, how would you begin to describe yourself without beginning with th words,"I am".

Yes, "I am" does accurately describe every one of us. This was the essence of the teachings of Jesus. He spoke in parables so as not to freak you out but this is the message that he was trying to convey to you.

The confidence that I have is not rooted in belief. It is rooted in actual experience.

Do you believe that you posted a comment on my blog or do you know that you did?

"I am" are merely two words. Words are pointers. The word "dog" refers to a particular animal. The words "I am" point to your "self", your "core". What people don't get and it takes a saint or sage to point out is that we all share the same "core". That is the message of the prophet throughout the ages.
Hence, "Do unto others as you would others do unto you." Treat your fellow man as you would yourself. Why? Because my friend, the other IS your self. But you will probably find what I'm saying blasphemous. People love mystery that is why we have religions. They can't handle the simple truth surrounding us. Look what happened to Jesus. He was bringing this beautiful truth to the people. A truth that had been kept secret amongthe mystics. He had the audacity to bring it to the masses or at least he tried.

Jesus didn't live long enough to teach everything that he wanted to teach. He wanted to teach that we not only share he same Heart with each other, but we also share the same heart with all the other beings in the Creation.

This is the meaning of Oneness.

Jesus embodied this teaching. He gave his life to it. He didn't fail to teach Universal Love. There have certainly been those who have failed to hear to his message.

Anonymous said...

Recall that the Serpent in the Garden lied to Eve telling her that if she ate the fruit, she would become as God. That has ever been Satan's lie, that God is not God, and that we all are or can become gods.

Let's recall also that God animated Adam by blowing his spirit into Adam's nostrils. I take that spirit to be (among other things) consciousness. If our consciousness is God, then our innermost sense of ourselves is God.

The name, "I AM", which God took for Himself, and which the Jews acknowledged as reserved only for Him, for a member of the Godhead, you believe accurately describes any ONE of us?

I think the whole point here is that there aren't any "ones of us".

Jesus Himself warned that in the Last Days many would come saying "I am" or "I am the Christ", and He said to not believe them. I ask you, is it possible that you are mistaken, perhaps even spiritually deceived?

Douglas, may I ask you something? What you you think Jesus meant when he said, "The kingdom of God is within you"?

Anonymous said...

People want to project out and not take responsibility for the Kingdom of God within themselves.
So they prefer to make Christ separate. They don't understand the mystical realization that is within the Christian tradition and that Christ himself embodied. Without taking up these mystical practices like Christ did, how will they ever be saved? When they realize "I am" that is when they will be saved..

Anonymous said...

Its not arrogant or deluded to see you are one with god, its both arrogant & deluded to think you are separate from god

Skeye said...

Jesus said, "In me, all things become one, for everything that is not of me is illusion and will pass away. Only Light abides, for Light is Truth, and Truth has no end. I tell you the truth when I say that I am the Way, the Truth, the Light, and the Life. Walk in me, and you will abide forever, for you will be even as I AM."


Granted these are the Gnostic interpretations, but I find them to be the closest resonance.

On interpretations:
